Pennant Magazine

The Facts

Conditions of Acceptance

  1. Advertisement copy shall be legal, decent, honest and truthful; shall comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and all other codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority; and shall comply with the requirements of current legislation.
  2. While every endeavour will be made to meet the wishes of the Advertiser, the Publisher does not guarantee the insertions of any particular advertisement.
  3. In the event of any error, misprint or omission in the printing of an advertisement or part of an advertisement the Publisher will either re-insert the advertisement or relevant part of the advertisement as the case may be or make a reasonable refund of or adjustment to the cost. No re-insertion, refund or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement. In no circumstances shall the total liability of the Publisher for any error, misprint or omission exceed a) the amount of a full refund or adjustment of any price paid to the Publisher for the advertisement in connection with which liability arose or b) the cost of a further or corrective advertisement of a type and standard reasonably comparable to that in connection with which liability arose.
  4. The copyright for all purposes in all artwork, copy and other material that the Publisher or his employees have contributed to or reworked shall vest in the Publisher.
  5. Cancellation or suspension of orders cannot be accepted less than six weeks before publication date.
  6. Voucher copies, tear sheets or other proof of insertion, as agreed, are to be supplied as soon as possible after publication.
  7. The placing of an order by an Advertiser, or advertising agency on behalf of a client, constitutes an assurance that all necessary authority and permission has been secured in respect of the use in the advertisement(s) of pictorial representations (or purporting to be of) living persons, and of references to the words attributed to living persons.
  8. The Advertiser agrees to indemnify the Publisher in respect of all costs, damages, or other charges falling upon the magazine as the result of legal actions or threatened legal actions arising from the publication of the advertisement, published in accordance with the copy instructions supplied to the magazine in pursuance of the Advertiser’s order.
  9. Copy instructions must reach the Advertisement Department not later than the dates specified. In the event that artwork/copy does not arrive by the copy deadline the Publisher reserves the right to print previous copy as supplied by the Advertiser.
  10. The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement shall amount to an acceptance of the above conditions.
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